Screening as the First Step in an Integrated Health Journey
Ally Pratt
Here at Unite Us, we know that in order to move the needle on health outcomes, the process of identifying and addressing needs must be fully integrated into service providers’ workflows.In our eyes, screening is just one part of the client journey.
Most hospitals perform screenings today; screening for social needs isn’t new. Shockingly, however, not all hospitals have a system in place for connecting their clients to the right services or following up on their clients’ progress.
“About half of hospital survey respondents report directing resources or interventions in a more ad hoc or occasional basis across segments of the target population.” – Deloitte
Every service provider should have the ability to easily direct their clients to the right external resources. As mentioned in the Deloitte report above, hospitals are making an effort to refer individuals to the right services, but these efforts may not be organized or consistent. Identifying clients’ social needs is just the first step, but taking action to meet those needs is the ultimate goal.
Our software empowers care providers to perform customized screening assessments followed byinstantandaccountablereferrals.We took the extra measureto ensure connectivity because we believe that for clients’ needs to be appropriately and quickly addressed, providers need the right tools at their fingertips.This is done in two easy steps.
Health starts at home; we need to stop looking at it through a singular, hospital-centric view. A centralized data platform like Unite Us is essential to connecting across silos and facilitating a seamless continuum of care.Since our ultimate focus is onoutcomes, we believe that every part and every angle of each client’sjourney isvital to their wellbeing. We know there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to healthcare and that there are quantifiable traits that can specify certain at-risk populations. This makes it crucial to collect the right data. It also means going beyond recording clients’ answers and actually connecting them to the right providers for the services they need.
Our partners at Alliance for Better Health, a Performing Provider System in New York, have implemented screening into their workflow using our tool.As said by Kristen Scholl, VP of Population Health: “Being able to instantly refer clients based on their social determinants of health screening responses has supported our referral quality. We value the ability to keep a pulse on our clients’ journeys and outcomes and make this information accessible to all appropriate service providers involved in a client’s care.”
We know that changing the culture of care delivery isn’t easy, which is why we’re simplifying it.We’ve made it our mission to equip our users with the tools they need to effectively aid their clients’ needs. Our screening tool is just the first step toward bettering whole-person health in your community.
To get started or learn more about how to build a network with us, click here:
About Unite Us
Unite Us is the nation’s leading software company bringing sectors together to improve the health and well-being of communities. We drive the collaboration to predict, deliver, and pay for services that impact whole-person health. Through Unite Us’ national network and software, community-based organizations, government agencies, and healthcare organizations are all connected to better collaborate to meet the needs of the individuals in their communities.